The Seventh Omen Recordings

From deep within the Seventh Omen vault come nine songs from the earliest Seventh Omen recordings.
Before Polarized and Majestic!

This is a re-release of songs from the
Abstractions and Date With Destiny recordings which were never before released on CD.

Abstractions and Date With Destiny were originally released on cassette in the early 90s. They quickly sold out and no more copies were ever made. Because of the overwhelming demand for these recordings over the years, Seventh Omen is now releasing them both on one powerful CD!
Nine songs and over 50 minutes of pure, powerful metal!
If you've been a Seventh Omen fan from the beginning or even if you've never heard any of the early material, you must check this out!
Order Abstract Destiny now
for only $7.00 plus postage!
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